The Liebster Award (tag)

This is not going to be a usual blog article. I’m not sure if you are going to like it, but I do feel honoured to have been tagged by my blog-friend Masha and everything needs a try. It might be a nice opportuity for you to get to know me better. Masha is, like me, a Dutch girl with a blog. However, she writes in Dutch and she blogs about books where I blog about travelling. The idea is that she gave me a list with 11 questions to answer and I am actually supposed to think of 11 new ones and tag someone else to answer them. However, I am not sure if I know any bloggers who would like that, so I am just going to post the new questions here, without any tags and who-ever likes it can answer them.

But before I start with that, I will answer the questions that I’ve been given. As Masha is a book-blogger, not all of them will be suitable for me to answer.

1. Which book will you never read?
Easy! “50 Shades of Grey.” There are so many more interesting, slightly erotic books around that actually have a good storyline and a main character with potential.

2. What was the last book that you purchased, just because you liked the cover.
I don’t think I ever did that.

3. Which country would you like to visit?
Now this is a question for me! Obviously, there is my bucket list, but to tell you something you don’t already know, I would like to visit both Guatemala and Nepal (even though they’re at different ends of the world).

4. Do you have quirks when you read a book?
Not anything that I can think off, except that I might look really concerned, but that’s not really a quirk, is it?

5. What is your favoriete snack?
It doesn’t take me long to think about this one. My favourite snack would absolutely be a “kaassoufflee”, you can wake me up at 4am for that. For the non-dutchies, a kaassoufflee is a deep-fried cheese snack. It is basically cheese, wrapped in puff pastry and covered in bread crumbs, then diep-fried. Sounds yummie doesn’t it? 😉 Picture below!


6. Summer or Winter?
Anyone who has followed my blog and journeys knows that I can not often be found in colder countries, and that I am quite fun of the lovely warm sun and its vitamines. This, added up to the fact that my birthday is in summer absolutely answers this question easily: SUMMER!

7. If you were only allowed to read books written by one author, which author would it be?
As I still haven’t found the time to pass more than the first half of the first book of the game of thrones series, I ‘m going to choose George R. R. Martin. At least I’ll have plenty of books to go.

8. How many hours of sleep do you get each night and how many would you like to get?
Being a student, I consider myself lucky when I get 7 hours of sleep. However, I still feel permanently tired and think I need a few more. 9 hours of sleep each night would be perfect. Even thinking about it makes me feel like I’m in Heaven.

9. What is your favourite non-book blog?
This question obviously is not directed towards me, because I hardly have the time to read (even though I enjoy reading). I am talking about reading books now, not blogs. I do have the time for the second form of reading (not really, but hey), because I like to be inspired by other people’s expierences. Three non-book blogs (they are all three travel blogs) that inspire me a lot are:

http://whereintheworldisnina.comJournalist on the run

10. if you wouldn’t be allowed to blog about books travelling anymore, what would you write about?
As you can see, I had to adjust this question to my situation in order not to cheat at the idea of the question. The fun bit is, if I had more time to read and wasn’t allowed to write about my travels, books would possibly be what I would be writing about. That, or lifestylein general, maybe combined with opinion articles about actualities.

11.What is your favourite TV show and TV serie and why?
Believe it or not, but this is by far the hardest question of the list. Why? I don’t own a TV and don’t feel the urge to waste my time watching contentless talk shows. For this reason I have no idea which TV show would be my favourite.

On the other hand, I do have a guilty pleasure concerning TV series: I am hooked to game of thrones and can’t wait till the 15th of April when the first episode of the new season will be released. No need for a television, I’ll watch on my laptop.

My 11 questions to you
This was the end of answering my questions. Thanks Masha for the tag. Now, it is up to you guys to answer my questions if you like:

1. Are you a city or a country person?
2. What is your all-time favourite song on a road-trip?
3. If you won 10000 euros that you had to spend withing a year, what would you do with it?
4. You have to leave for a different country tomorrow. What is the first place that would come into mind?
5. What is the best, most original place that you have ever been?
6. Budget or luxury traveller?
7. Adventure, beach or city-trip?
8. Snow or sun destination?
9. What is your favourite continent?
10. How many countries have you visited?
11. What is the weirdest experience that you’ve had abroad?

Hope you guys like this for a change. Enjoy (:

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